We move onto the southbound portion of our trip from Kentucky Lakes to Mobile, Alabama. In this We move onto the southbound portion of our trip from Kentucky Lakes to Mobile, Alabama. In this edition of the Blog, we visit Kentucky, and Tennessee, touch Alabama, and then stop in Mississippi. We arrive at Aqua Yacht Harbor in Iuka, MS, for a reunion with our friends Charlie and Robin from our first Loop. We also finally caught back up with our buddy boat, Indigo, at least for a few days. We wait two days in Iuka for our friends on Brand New Day to get repairs, then continue down the Tenn-Tom Waterway to New Site, Mississippi.
After spending a couple of days in Alton, IL, we cruise down the Mississippi River and turn up the Ohio River to the Tennessee River. We anchor out for a couple of nights (rare for us!) and reach Green Turtle Bay, Kentucky, on the Ten-Tom (Tenessee-Tombigbe Waterway), where we are taking a break for a few days. It’s time for another oil change, checking and replacing zincs, and getting overdue haircuts which we took care of care of while at Green Turtle Bay.