Ships (B)Log – (Our Blog)

The Blog contains stories about our travels, adventures, and the care and maintenance of our boat, Kissed Some Frogs. We hope you enjoy reading our content. We invite you to comment on our Posts using the comment block at the bottom of each Post. We would love to hear what you think!

Our most recent Posts are displayed on the Home page. You can see other posts using the Categories or Archive features. Posts are grouped into Categories based on their topic or which of our trips they relate to. By clicking on a Category name in either the list below or in the sidebar, you can see all the Posts related to that topic.

Posts are also grouped by the Date they were published. To view Posts by date, use the Archive list available below or in the sidebar.

Finally, if you are looking for some specific content, you can use the Search located in the menu and on the sidebar. Just type in your keyword, and click the 🔍 icon.


The Archives

Our Latest Posts

Kiss Some Frogs To Find Your Prince

Thanks For Visiting! – Tom & Brenda