If you still get checks in the mail, switch everything you can to direct deposit. With online banking, your day-to-day banking is easy from anywhere you can get a cell signal. Cash is also pretty easy as there are ATMs everywhere, and you can access your cash from “most” Canadian and Bahamian ATM machines (we did find a few that were not on our network). If you get cash, use your banks in-network ATMs to avoid fees or use the cash-back service at a grocery store. We use Ally Bank, an online bank, and they refund the Fee when you use an ATM.
We used our Credit Card for pretty much everything except small purchases. We utilized ATMs to get cash for small purchases, tips, and pocket money. Ensure you have a card that doesn’t charge international exchange or transaction fees when you are in Canada or the Bahamas.
When we ran aground in Canada, we had a $45,000 (Canadian) repair bill from the marina. Our insurance company covered our repairs, but understandably, the marina didn’t want to wait for a check from our insurer before they let us go. We were fortunate that we had the funds available to pay them. However, getting money sent to Canada was a hassle! The marina charged 10% more for using a credit card and would not take a personal check from a US bank (which we also understood). We tried to do an International Wire transfer, but our bank required that you go to a branch in person for International Wires. We banked with TD Bank, based in Canada, so we went to a local branch in Canada, but they could not help us. We thought we would have to drive to the US to get the transaction done, but in the end, we used a third-party company, “TransferWise,” to get the money from the US to Canada. We hope that you don’t have to transfer large sums of money, but if you experience a major repair bill, start the process of getting funds sent early in case there are delays.